
Windows vs Mac vs Linux - which one is best for you?🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓

When you want to buy a laptop/computer a very big question arises that is, which operating system is best for you because nowadays there are a lot of operating system in market.                        But in this post will only discuss about windows, Mac and Linux because these 3 are mostly used operating system. A survey took place on which we found that Windows are used by 76.56% user, Mac is used by 9.6% user and Linux is used by only 1.93% user and 11.91% users use all other operating system. This data shows that Windows is most popular operating system among these three. But for finding the operating system which one is for you we have to compare their different factors.                                                   Logos of windows, Mac and Linux           ...

Smartphone vs Laptop vs Computer (which one is best for you🤓🤓)

pyq Today's world is full of technology and invention. No one can spend their single day without technology(in any form). But a big question arise when you want to buy a system ,but you are confused which one is best for you smartphone ,laptop or a computer because cost is not much different. For making a good choice, we must need to compare their advantages and disadvantages:-       Smartphone: Advantages:- 1). It is very easy to handle 2). It is portable. You can carry it into your           pocket. 3). Light weight 4). Low cost  5). It Provides voice/video calling Disadvantages:- 1). It cannot perform multitasking in good           way 2). It canot do heavy task 3). Storage capacity is very low 4). Much ports are not available 5). It is not good for office work as a                        employee            Laptop: ...

Does passwords really protect your data😬😳😮😲😱

In today's world everyone tries to break password or to steal data of someone for their purpose. Many people wants to be hacker. People become aware about these things but inspite many online frauds are taking place which is done by breaking the password of your account.   Some common methods of password breaking:- 1). Brute force attack 2). Dictionary attack 3). Rainbow table 4). Phishing 5). Spidering Brute force attack:- in brute force attack ,hackers use hidden and trial method. They guess the password by putting commonly used password one by one with the help of software or coding. Dictionary attack:- in dictionary attack, if a password is a dictionary word or phrase than hackers can easily guess them.  Rainbow table:- when you set password on your account it is not stored in text format, actually it is encrypted into hash language. Ex.      If you set your password in Gmail -12345    Then in company database it is stored as 5a4vigdv74...

TeamViewer, it's uses , alternatives

                  TeamViewer TeamViewer is very useful software application that is used to control remote devices and for file transferring etc. It is available for Android ,Windows , Mac, linux. It is an open souce software for personal use but you have to pay for commercial use. It has 15 days free trial .It only works when you have internet connection Note:- remote device means device that is controlled from distance without any cabel or wirelessly                    It's uses                           1)  It is useful where remote connections is necessary.                             2) It will become easy for you to install/repair anything in your system from other device from anywhere,anytime               ...